Sail Away Sweet Sister

This is all about God, prayer, community, music, art, poetry, theology, love and all sorts of things people run into on their life journey, especially when the second half of life is looming ahead. It is inspired by Fr Richard Rohr, by the Contemplative Outreach of Fr Thomas Keating, by C.G. Jung, by C.S. Lewis, Alan Watts, St Beuno's retreat house and all the communities I have a privilege to belong to. It is dedicated to and I hope will be used by my nearest and dearest, scattered all over the planet, and who are falling upwards with me.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

On Resurrection

All I know is that before Edward's death, I didn't believe in resurrection, at least not in an individual, personal resurrection (I could imagine being “dissolved in the divine”, in a very intellectual way), let alone resurrection of the body. And now I find that I do believe that the specific glory of the individual human being*, body and soul undivided, will be restored and raised to a fuller life in Christ Jesus. I cannot tell what exactly makes me believe, and I have no idea how come I know this now; but I do, not just as a theory, but as a fact of experience. 

*for God will show your splendour everywhere under heaven. 
4 For God will give you evermore the name,
‘Righteous Peace, Godly Glory’. (Baruch)

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