Sail Away Sweet Sister

This is all about God, prayer, community, music, art, poetry, theology, love and all sorts of things people run into on their life journey, especially when the second half of life is looming ahead. It is inspired by Fr Richard Rohr, by the Contemplative Outreach of Fr Thomas Keating, by C.G. Jung, by C.S. Lewis, Alan Watts, St Beuno's retreat house and all the communities I have a privilege to belong to. It is dedicated to and I hope will be used by my nearest and dearest, scattered all over the planet, and who are falling upwards with me.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A new year, apart, shared

A new year, apart, shared

Hot rain searing part-closed eyelids
Shadows hiding in dark long grass
Snakes coil on pathways in moonlight

Unravelling to meet the bells’ joyous swing

The fantastic and the real worlds enmesh
And time loses touch with itself and sleeps,

Elastic, enfolded, in reverie


The revellers, unexpectedly released,
Touch cells across the gap

Laugh amazement
And fix the memory

Knowing that all the debris drops away,
Leaving the essence

Entire, entwined, in the eyes of the heart


(New Year’s Day, 2013)
(So THAT is what happened, along with the journalling, reading, and feeding of other people's possums. I never did get to the gardening.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was a great moment of reverie indeed, all this bad quality video Skyping through your house, with the Big Ben sounding in the background (here in the real world :)) and Old Possum himself showing up under Australian sun. Thanks for this, and for your quiet assurance (does journaling and feeding possums do that to people?) about debris dropping away and the eyes of the heart. Which may need glasses from time to time, or even binoculars... comes handy I've just booked a new pair, in line with "New M" concept.
