Sail Away Sweet Sister

This is all about God, prayer, community, music, art, poetry, theology, love and all sorts of things people run into on their life journey, especially when the second half of life is looming ahead. It is inspired by Fr Richard Rohr, by the Contemplative Outreach of Fr Thomas Keating, by C.G. Jung, by C.S. Lewis, Alan Watts, St Beuno's retreat house and all the communities I have a privilege to belong to. It is dedicated to and I hope will be used by my nearest and dearest, scattered all over the planet, and who are falling upwards with me.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Come Round


O grief, untimely, come round, come
Sit on my chest, burn in my mind, weep,
Stream in my blood, be buried in my sleep, 
O violent grief for those who have gone

Or yet to go beyond the sacred hills,
And yet to rise behind the earthly veil
O hungry wolf, the wound that never heals - 
Come, break my heart, and go back to hell.

Paris 04/04 /2012 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, M, for giving utterance so powerfully to these realities. Whilst it is a very personal poem, it describes universal psychological and spiritual experience. And in the writing of such, I think you may find that the wolf does indeed finally lose itself where it belongs and you and your memories will be at peace. I find myself changed by this poem.
